I agree with this statement Somizi was wrong to publish a journalist's contact information and ask his followers to invade her privacy he was wrong by doing that because she approached him for comment on allegations that he was divorcing his husband Mohale Motaung-Mhlongo. Instead of him respond to the substance question he let his ego and rip on the reporter’s, published their contact information on his Instagram.

Journalist’s contact him in an effort to gain clarity on on-going rumours about his marriage to Mohale Motaung. Somizi should understand public interest in matters such as his marriage since he turned his marriage lifestyles into a showmax reality show and  many people had watched it. The journalists contact him to get her fact right before writing a story and that was exactly what she was doing by contacting him.

Journalists whenever they report a story they use journalism work ethic is to seek for truth and report it to public, gather fact   and that fact should be accurate and fair. To be honest, should treat sources, colleagues and member of the public with respect. Journalist’s when looking for story must refuse taking gifts, favours, fees, free travel and special treatment, and avoid political and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality.

It is responsibilities for journalist’s to check with their sources whether the story is accurate or not before publishing the story if it’s factual or not. Journalist can only report a fact which he/she knows the origin not to suppress essential information  and that was the former journalist which somizi publish her contact information was doing by contacting him to get his side of the story before she publish the story, journalist was looking for fact if indeed his marriage is failing or not.

Somizi behaviours towards reporters was disgusting due to the fact that he is a public figure, he sold his marriage to the public/ right to a media house team ( journalist’s), by allowing his wedding to be viewed by millions of people.


Of course when his marriage fall, the journalist’s would be there to ask questions, there’s no way journalist’s would not call the shots in order for them to get the story. All public figurers must know that journalist’s will always be   there looking at them, how they are living their lives, journalist’s story always resolves around them. Public figures can’t dictate them on what they can or cannot publish, especially if the story is public interest. Journalist they only write story about someone only if they get their fact right. Journalists should not shy to ask uncomfortable questions from public figures in other words they must make peace with that.


It is responsible for everyone to respect each other privacy, and it’s a journalist’s job to report news. In both news and comment the media shall exercise exceptional care and consideration in matters involving the private lives and concerns of individuals, bearing in mind that any right to privacy may be overridden by a legitimate public interest.

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